Revelation is the highest form of impartation of heaven, enabling the believer to see beyond the natural realm and begin to see and understand spiritual truth that underpins the physical reality as God reveals it to them. By revelation we receive supernatural impartation of knowledge, understanding and insight that comes directly from God and it is the primary way in which He communicates.
As we press deeper into the things of the Spirit and ask God to unravel His mind, His mysteries, His kingdom, His heart, His written word and His reality to us, God begins pulling back the veils of our understanding that has been darkened and helps us to see the truth that was once hidden. Through revelation we have the ability to instantly know thousands of years of wisdom in one moment. When spending time reading scripture, words stop being ink on paper and become revelatory insight which illuminates your worldview.
"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God."
John 3:3 KJV
The Spirit of God dwelling within the born again believer introduces them to the kingdom of God by opening up their spiritual eyes to see things that were once hidden in darkness through the systems of this world, through a natural understanding, through a lack of knowledge and the bonds of a strong delusion. Heaven is the operating place from which the spirit is meant to be deriving revelation and driving our reality, for revelation brings the motivation for movement to go in the direction where God is leading us. We can read the written word, but we need God to make it a reality for us by giving us the ability to perceive his realm of operation so that we can merge the reality of heaven with our own reality.
When the Spirit of truth takes residence in this clay form we call our flesh, true spiritual life is resurrected and we are given access by the Holy Spirit to the mind, will and kingdom of God which is limitless. The God who exists outside of time and space and formed every living thing by His wisdom and the commandment of his word is now dwelling in us. ​
In order for us to truly see that which can not be seen with the natural eyes or to receive understanding in the things which go beyond all that is written about God we must demonstrate a hunger and desire to know. God wants us to actively crucify our flesh that we may allow His Spirit to become the driving force that dominates all of our senses.
Without revelation, all we have is dry religion where church becomes overly concerned with an intellectual proposition and theological debate.
Teaching becomes merely intellectual without any revelatory insight and is unable to unpack mysteries, offer hidden insight, provide keys of understanding the kingdom and reveal the deeper meaning behind God's ways.
However, when we allow the Holy Spirit to invade our mind with heaven and flood our understanding with the water of life through a life of full surrender, submission and obedience to God, we start the true adventure of what it means to be in a relationship with God. We begin to put off our old man which profited us nothing, and put on the mind of Jesus Christ by allow the Spirit who is the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God, to take over our entire being.
As a result, heaven invades the earth through the demonstration and operation of a living God that has been given permission to ability to take full reign over the life of a believer who has treasured the things above more than the things on this earth.
but it is the honour of kings to search out a matter."


The gift of prophecy is the ability to receive and communicate a message from God to other people. It is not merely the ability to foretell future events upon revelation from God, rather it is primarily a gift of edification, exhortation and comfort to the body of Christ. Prophecy is meant to build up the church, encourage believers in their faith and ultimately give bring glory to God. God can choose to communicate to use prophetically through a variety of ways such as a spoken message, a written message, a vision or a dream.
The gift of prophecy is mentioned in several passages of the New Testament, including 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, Romans 12:6-8, and Ephesians 4:11-13 (see below). In 1 Corinthians 14:1, Paul urges believers to "eagerly desire the gift of prophecy", since it is one of the most important gifts in building up the church. This means that every believer can ask God for the gift of prophecy if the motive for possessing such a gift is pure.
Those who have the gift o prophecy should use it with humility and discernment, seeking to glorify God and serve others. It should not be sought after for the purpose of bringing glory to oneself, soothing a personal insecurity, desiring to be esteemed as more important than others or for an excuse to boast. God does not honour this kind of motive.
The gift of prophecy is not the same as the office of a prophet. Though every Prophet has the gift of prophecy, not everyone who has a gift of prophecy is a Prophet. This primarily has to do with the sphere of influence in which one who possesses such a gift holds.
Important warning: Not everyone who claims to have the gift of prophecy is actually hearing from God or working alongside the Holy Spirit. It is important that we always remain wise and test the validity of a prophetic word by not only comparing it to scripture but also bringing the word before God to receive confirmation of it's validity from Him.

The gift of the Word of Knowledge (which is really a word of revelation) is the supernatural ability to receive knowledge/facts which could not have been obtained by natural means.
This gift enables the believer to have access by the Holy Spirit to hidden information both past and present, and provides insight and understanding into situations and people. The Word of Knowledge can also include information about God's character, His plans, His purposes, and His will for a particular situation.
A Word of Knowledge can come in a variety of forms such as; a thought, a audible word from God, a physical sensation, an impression, a dream, a vision or even a a stationary/moving picture.
The purpose of the Word of Knowledge is for the Holy Spirit to provide the believer with a specific revelation that will target each individuals needs specifically, whereby He can bring deliverance, healing, guidance and direction. This can come as a result of asking God a question on something as trivial as where to host a dinner, or God prompting you to act on something major such as ministering healing/deliverance to someone with a terminal illness.
Other Words of Knowledge could include:​
A dream showing the solution to a problem in yours/a neighbours life
A new business idea
A word to share with a friend who is heavily afflicted
Where you can find an item that you have misplaced
The Word of Knowledge is also a powerful evangelistic tool as the demonstration of the believer's ability to bring a word that is obtained purely supernaturally can push past tough barriers (whether that be religious, emotional, mental or even language barriers) and open a door for the unbeliever to not only receive the gospel but also to truly experience the living God in all His power and majesty. It also allows the believer to be more effective in sharing the gospel by making each encounter more relevant and meaningful to the individual they are ministering to. The Holy Spirit knows the heart of each individual and He wants to reveal Himself to others by showing them how intimately He knows them and loves them. This is why we as believers need to be receptive to His voice and His leading so that we can receive a Word of Knowledge which is the key in bringing breakthrough.
When God gives you a Word of Knowledge, it is because He wants something to be done, oftentimes because He wants to express His fervent affection and attentiveness to His creation. Ask God for more detail on what He has shown you and wisdom and instruction on what to do with it.

Unlike the gift of the Word of Knowledge which refers specifically to obtaining hidden information/facts, the gift of the Word of Wisdom refers to the ability to not only make sense of, but also apply the information and facts given in a way that is purely by divine inspiration and leading of the Holy Spirit. The Word of Knowledge is primarily regarding the past/present and is informational, whereas Word of Wisdom is regarding the future and is directional.
Both gifts are intended by God to be applied together when seeking the fullness of God's knowledge and wisdom surrounding a situation and how it should best be handled. Believers are extremely blessed to have access to an infinite, all-knowing God which allows us to access to receive perfect instruction and solution to any matter or circumstance.
Both Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom come in a similar way; a thought, an audible word from God, a physical sensation, an impression, a dream, a vision, a thought or even a a stationary/moving picture.
This gift plays an important role in the body of Christ as it enables the believer to have access by the Holy Spirit to receive clear direction, guidance or insight into the best course of action to take in a particular situation, not only when the the believer is faced with a challenge/crisis but also in more practical circumstances such as daily decision making to ensure that they are always in alignment with God's character and will for their life.
This gift is also extremely valuable when it comes to the believer giving counsel to another individual. It enables God to use them as a mouthpiece to provide strong Godly counsel when others are faced with a difficult circumstance in their personal lives or ministry and seek advice or an opinion to help them to make the wisest choice possible.
The Word of Wisdom can also provide comfort and encourgaement to believers. It can provide insight into the character of God and His plans, which can inspire believers to trust in His goodness and faithfulness. It can help believers see things from a heavenly perspective and as a bring them hope and joy in the midst of trials and suffering.
Another role of this gift is to bring unity to the body of Christ. This gift can help believers see beyond their personal differences and to focus on the things that unite them in Christ. It can also diffuse any confusion or anxiousness regarding a particular situation by providing God-given direction that prompts the body to come share in the same mission and collaborate to achieve the outcome.
God possesses the fullness wisdom, and it is sweet savour to Him when a heart is lifted up to obtain wisdom and understanding. God is ready to provide wisdom to all those who seek it. Next time you need direction, insight or guidance, continuously ask God to lead you by His wisdom and provide the best solutions possible for every challenge and difficulty that comes your way. Additionally, if God gives you a Word of Knowledge, ask Him on the wisdom on what to do with it.

The discernmening of spirits is a spiritual gift given by the Holy Ghost to believers in Christ. It is the ability to distinguish between spirits of God, the spirits of evil and the human spirit. This gift helps believers to identify and discern the source of spiritual influences whether they are from God, from the devil or from the flesh.
The discerning of gifts is important because not all spiritual experiences are from God. The devil can masquerade as an angel of light, and his influence can be subtle and decepive. By having this gift, believers can test the spirits to see if they are from God or not.
The gift of discernment is manifest in different ways. It can come as a sudden impression or feeling, a sense of unease or warning, a physical sensation or a prophetic word. It can also be developed over time through prayer, study of the Word of God and experience.
The discerning of spirits is not to be confused with judging others or being critical. Instead, it is a gift that is given for the purpose of protecting and edifying the body of Christ. It is a way to help believers stay on the path of righteousness and to avoid deception and error.
The discernment of spirits is important for spiritual growth and maturity. By having this gift, believers can identify and overcome spiritual obstacles and pitfalls, and they can stay focused on their walk with God. They can also help others to do the same, by providing guidance and counsel in difficult situations.
Overall the gift of discernment is a valuable gift given by the Holy Spirit to help believers navigate the spiritual realm. It enables them to distinguish between good and evil, truth and error, and to stay on the path of righteousness.
The Rivers Of Ezekiel
"[1] Then he brought me back to the door of the temple; and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar. [2] He brought me out by way of the north gate, and led me around on the outside to the outer gateway that faces east; and there was water, running out on the right side.
[3] And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the water came up to my ankles. [4] Again he measured one thousand and brought me through the waters; the water came up to my knees. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through; the water came up to my waist. [5] Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross; for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed. [6] He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?” Then he brought me and returned me to the bank of the river.
[7] When I returned, there, along the bank of the river, were very many trees on one side and the other. [8] Then he said to me: “This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the valley, and enters the sea. When it reaches the sea, its waters are healed. [9] And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes."
The vision of the rivers of Ezekiel is a prophecy that speaks of the restoration of the people of Israel and the coming of the Messiah. In the vision, Ezekiel sees a river flowing from the temple, which is symbolic of the presence of God, and this river grows deeper and wider as it flows.
The river is symbolic of the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is the river of life that brings healing to everything it touches and it represents the abundant life that God desires for His people.
The river also speaks of renewal and restoration. The river flows through the wilderness and the desert, transforming the barren landscape into a place that is fruitful and filled with life.
Today, this prophecy is symbolic of the river of living water (the Holy Spirit) flowing out of our temple from the Holy of holies (our spirit) and out of us unto the nations.
It reflects different levels of submersion as we surrender more of ourselves to the Spirit through a life cultivated by prayer and fasting. God is a deep ocean, waiting to flood our entire being so that we can be completely consumed by His presence and in full operation of His anointing and power.
The more we press in to God, the more of our flesh He can consume so that we can be in over heads in the Spirit where we can flow more freely in the gifts and revelatory knowledge of God.
Essentially, we need to drown our flesh so that we can be fully immersed in the river of heaven.