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The word "pharmacy" is derived from the Greek word "pharmakia" which originally meant "sorcery, potions or spells". At the time of which the word was used in ancient Greek society, it was often associated describing the practice of magic or the use of drugs or potions for magical/supernatural purposes such as casting spells or making potions to control people's behaviour.



 According to Revelation 18:23, when Babylon the Great ( the modern world system) is permanently destroyed near the end of the Tribulation Period, never again will the city be illuminated by the light of a lamp and never again will the voice of groom and bride be heard in it. Two reasons are given for the final and complete destruction of Babylon. First, Babylon will have merchants who will be the great and powerful people of the earth (Rev 18:23; cf. 18:3). These merchants will use their financial wealth to advance their power, interests, and ideas — if not also influence world affairs. The second reason why God will destroy Babylon is because this city will deceive all the nations by her witchcraft (Rev 18:23, CF 9:21). The Greek word translated as ‘witchcraft’ is ‘pharmakeia’ (whence we derive the word ‘pharmacy’).

‘Pharmakeia’ describes sorcery, magic, and magic arts; it includes the use of drugs of any kind for magical effect. During Daniel’s 70th week, Babylon will not just bewitch a few regions here or a couple of cities there but will deceive all the nations with her witchcraft (‘pharmakeia’). Revelation 18:23 foresees a global misuse of drugs to bewitch and mislead all nations. God will judge these occult practices. To some extent the great merchants of the earth will enrich themselves even further as they profitably partake in this global deception.


pharmakia: // GREEK // sorcery/witchcraft

"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."

Glenn A. Warner, M.D


"People think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day."

Former Commissioner of the FDA, Dr Herbert Ley, in testimony before a US Senate hearing




The Rockefeller family is notoriously known for their development in the oil industry and the establishment of 'Standard Oil Corporation', one of the first and most successful oil companies in the world which was founded by a man named John D Rockefeller. John D. Rockefeller was also an American business magnate and 'philanthropist' (used very loosely) who had a profound influence on modern medicine and played a significant role in eliminating natural/herbal medicine from the Western world. Rockefeller at the time of his death was estimated to be worth 300-400 billion dollars making him one of the richest people in history. He was strong businessman and by the early 1900's, he owned 90% of America's oil refineries through the Standard Oil Corporation. During the process of refining the oil, scientists/chemists would be intrigued by the other possible uses of the petroleum byproducts. It was during his lifetime that scientists were vastly interested in the potential of 'petrochemicals'. When it was discovered that drugs could be made using chemicals from petroleum, America's top business mogul ordered his army of propagandists to invert reality accordingly. Rockefeller took it as a business opportunity to monopolise on this new research and use his influence to enter the medical sector. 


To put simply, petrochemicals are any substances/products that derive from natural gas/petroleum. 

Petrochemicals are a large variety of products made from chemicals called feedstocks. Feedstocks are produced as a by-product of crude oil refining and natural gas processing. Petrochemicals today include plastics, soaps, liquid detergents, transparent food wrappers, fertilisers, insecticides, explosives, solvents, synthetic fibres, rocket propellants, ink, paints, synthetic rubber, drugs, antifreeze, flooring, insulation, CDs, and DVDs.
Did you know that petrochemicals are utilised to manufacture everything from antibiotics, antibacterial products, analgesics, rectal suppositories, cough syrups, lubricants, and even the majority of topical ointments, salves, creams, and gels?



This was early in American history where at the time, herbal and natural medicines such as essential oils, aromatherapy, plant rich diets and natural remedies were highly popular. This posed as a threat to Rockefeller's plan to takeover the medical industry.


STEP 1: As a way to combat this, Rockefeller used his vast wealth to purchase part of the German pharmaceutical company I.G. Farben which was also the same company that provided products for Hitler and Nazi Germany. Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory in human history, however few people are aware that Auschwitz was a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben. Thousands of prisoners died during human experiments, drug and vaccine testing.
Now that Rockefeller controlled a drug manufacturing company, he could move on to step 2.

STEP 2: To eliminate the competition, Rockefeller teamed up with friend Andrew Carnegie who owned the prestigious 'Carnegie Foundation' and hired a contractor named Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910. This report, titled 'Medical Education in the United States and Canada'  (also known as the Flexner Report) which analysed the educational programs of 155 medical schools throughout Canada and the United States, “concluded” that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all the natural healing modalities which had existed for hundreds of years were unscientific and ineffective. The report called for the standardisation of medical education. Download the report. Flexner himself wasn't a physician, but his critique had a sweeping influence on the way medicine was taught. After his report, about half the medical schools in the United States closed their doors forever. 
This is when John D. Rockefeller made another advance.

STEP 3: Those that met Flexner's strict empirical standards were rewarded with generous foundation money from John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. Using his extreme wealth, Rockefeller offered incredibly large grants to America's top medical schools under one condition: They taught a new curriculum. Any mention of natural remedies such as herbs, plants and diet were erased from all textbooks and forbidden to be taught. Doctors/professors who objected to the changes we crucified by media, threatened, removed from their positions and even stripped of their license to teach/practice medicine. Those who dared to speak out publicly were even at risk of being arrested and imprisoned. â€‹Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cured diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then recreate a similar chemical – but not identical – in the lab that could be patented.

When evidence began to show that petrochemicals were a cause of cancer, John D. Rockefeller started the 'American Cancer Society' to suppress and control the data which is a big reason why the adverse effects of medicine is still the third leading cause of death in America. Did you know that under federal law, it is actually illegal to utilise any modality other than chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery in the treatment of cancer? It’s easy to see why if you follow the money considering that the average cost of cancer treatment in the United States is a minimum of $150,000.

The Rockefeller Foundation was originally set up in 1904 as the 'General Education Fund'. The RF was later formed in 1910 and issued a charter in 1913 with the help of Rockefeller millions. Subsequently, the foundation placed it's own "nominees" in federal health agencies and set the stage for the "reeducation" of the public.

he Rockefeller empire now owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States. It is the largest drug manufacturing combine in the world. Since WWII, the pharmaceutical industry has steadily netted increasing profits to become the world's second largest manufacturing industry. The deception continues as Big Pharma makes large donations to medical schools in order to keep teaching allopathic medicine.


"They are running a monopoly and they will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way."

Dr Eva Snead



The kickback system is a practice where pharmaceutical companies offer doctors financial incentives or other rewards in exchange for prescribing their drugs. These incentives can take many forms, such as cash payments, free meals, travel expenses or gifts. The idea behind this practice is to encourage doctors to prescribe more of a particular drug, regardless of whether it is the best option for the patient. This practice is illegal in many countries, including the US under the Anti-Kickback Statute, yet regardless of this there are still instances where pharmaceutical companies have been engaging in kickback schemes with doctors to promote their products, leading to ethical concerns about conflicts of interest and potential harm for the patients.

"Modern medicine is not a science and modern clinicians and medical researchers are not scientists. Modern clinicians may use scientific techniques but in the way they treat their patients they are still quacks... Medicine is no longer an independant profession. Doctors have become nothing more than a link connecting the parmaceutical industry to it's consumers."

Dr Vernon Coleman






Pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars on advertising/marketing campaigns that promote their drugs as 'safe and effective', often exaggerating their benefits and downplaying their risks. This often leads to people taking medications that are not safe/necessary for them meanwhile the companies profit from the drugs being overprescribed. 



Clinical trials are supposedly used to test the 'safety and efficacy' of synthetic drugs yet a vast number of companies have been caught selectively withholding or manipulating data to make their dugs appear more effective than they actually are. This often leads to false advertising and  and may lead people to take drugs that are barely effective and have serious side effects attatched to them.




Pharmaceutical companies can be accused of this when charging exorbitant prices for 'life-saving' drugs, making a monopoly out of emotional turmoil/desperation of people. This often leads to people suffering or dying because they can not afford the medication.



Pharmaceutical companies often pay doctors to speak at conferences, write articles or otherwise have a platform/practice in which they are able to promote their drugs. Whilst in hindsight you can say that this is not necessarily unethical, there have been cases where the incentives have caused  doctors to prescribe drugs that have not been necessary/were the best option for their patient. This can lead to overprescribing of drugs or prescribing drugs that have not been sufficiently tested.




Pharmaceutical companies are known to suppress negative results from clinical trials, which can prevent patients from making informed choices about the risks/'benefits' of a particular drug.

This can also lead to overuse/overdose of drugs that are neither safe or effective.



Pharmaceutical companies often hype up the benefits of their drugs in order to convince doctors and patients to use them. However, sometimes the benefits are overstated or based on incomplete data, which can lead people to take drugs that may not be effective for their condition.



Once a drug patent expires, other companies can begin producing generic versions of the drug, which are usually much cheaper. However, some pharmaceutical companies have been accused of intentionally delaying the approval of generic drugs in order to maintain their monopoly and keep prices high.



Some pharmaceutical companies downplay the risks of their drugs or fail to disclose all of potential side effects. This can lead to patients experiencing unexpected complications or even suffer the rsik of death.


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